Friday, October 16, 2009

Sketch-a-day 89 90/ 1 Hour Time Limit

Hope blogger doesn't shrink these down.

What we have here are two quick characters from tonight. Technically it's only one sketch-a-day, but I'm so far behind it's embarrassing. Anyways, I challenged a friend online to a photoshop character battle of sorts pretty randomly. Rules were you had one hour to do each character, and then you had to show what you had at one hour. I'm pretty rusty on digital painting I feel like, so I chose greyscale to go a little easier on myself. So here are two "Timed Photoshop Battles". Really hope to do a lot more of these with friends. Just so much fun to do.

Categories are as listed next to the character. I included details, because, I like it when other bloggers post details.


Finn Clark said...

Great characters. I like the exaggerated poses/anatomy.

Mike Puncekar said...

Thanks Finn. I really appreciate you checking in.

Jake Murray said...

Wow. Very cool Mike. I'd say these look like they were done in Painter, but then again I know you are married to Photoshop. :P

Alex Alvarado said...

I hope you do not die young. This is incredible.

Dana Ryan said...

Love the graphic approach to choppin out these great guys.

Youve been out the upload game for a while now. Off the bench, coach is putting you in. Please the fans Air Puncekar.

Mike Puncekar said...

Haha Thanks.

If only I was Jordan. I could be so much taller and not pathetically athletic.