Thursday, November 4, 2010

Feeling a bit under the weather today.

I recently had to visit home, and I seemed to have dragged back to my apartment their sick. I painted this... but now I'm convinced my subconscious is telling me something.

These little quick things are great. Faces are that one thing that never gets old painting. Especially strange ugly ones, because I'm sure as heck not gonna use ref when I'm working for fun this way. Just having some fun here since the disease I currently have is trying to ruin my day. Strangely I'm craving cajun food. Not sure how the body is going to respond to that.


Dave Armstrong said...

this is awfully fun, mister

Mike Puncekar said...

Why thank you dave. You are a gentleman.

Tyler Parkinson said...

I dig the colors coming out of the mouth

Finn Clark said...

Nice updates Mike. Especially like the halloween one, I love how its painted. You're inspiring me to do some more speedpaints :)

Mike Puncekar said...


Finn, please do. Share results.

Diane Zerr said...

Cajun is never a good idea when you're sick. NEVER>

Anonymous said...

This is cool, love the rainbow vomit.

Chris Boat said...

Love this painting! I'm part of the rock band Spiral and we are interested in using this painting as a cover for one of our records. My email is Drop me a line and let me know if you are interested. Here is a link to our latest album, if you would like to hear the kind of music we make. Thanks for your time, and GREAT painting!