Thursday, July 17, 2008

I'm really, really excited.

Dark Knight tonight! Enjoy a snowy batman, and a green lantern that may see some color tommorrow. The normal clothes idea is from a friend, as I was drawing out one in spandex at the time. 

I'd love to actually get this post formatted like all of my others, but blogger is being a buggy POS right now. 


Alex Lyon said...

i would love to see some color on these man. and maybe a few more. you have started to create what looks like the freakin Russian Justice League. haha

and for the record Dark Knight was AMAZING.

Mike Puncekar said...

for the record... I watched it, and it blew me away. I just couldn't complain. Some say it ran long... but... I wanted more anyway haha.

Alex Lyon said...

hey man to get your page to look like this or to get the design of Oondu are you making your own page layouts? mine is kinda boring right now and thought maybe you knew how...