Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sketch-a-day Vol. 2 003


... about that resolution. I was hoping for another strong start to the year with these sketch-a-days like last year. I couldn't figure out why it was such a chore to do this time. I mean, I love to draw, always have a decent sketch book, including a beautiful new 8.5x11 moleskine courtesy of my super talented girlfriend (her blog here), and I have quite a few sitting here right in front of me. I have a few reasons why I failed so miserably at this task: The free time I usually use to do a sketch-a-day has been competing with some heavy hitters such as all of "lost" on hulu, a new computer that can run s.t.a.l.k.e.r. in all it's beauty, and a morning coffee addiction where I get sucked into hours of news and tech articles. That last one has to be my favorite. Nothing like a cup of coffee in the morning that is just hot enough to lightly scald your mouth and force you into sipping, and some entertaining reads. I'm living the good life right now. The best life I could have really, and this winter break is so hard to fight.

I guess that is what I should be doing before embarking on my last hectic semester at CCAD. What I'm trying to say here, is I got ahead of myself, because I was really excited about getting back into this and getting some motivation. I'm not quitting though. Gonna stick to my resolution of 3-4- updates a week. Just can't believe I slipped up so early. Cause once you are behind on sketch-a-day... man, does that guilt and pressure build up everyday you miss.

I did a few sketches today, on paper, and a few digital ones. This one was my favorite. I'm in a bit of an artist slump right now, so I'm gladly taking requests from people on here as far as stuff you want. Keep em fun and I may wind up doing you a custom sketch. Cause I'm getting rusty and I gotta keep up the work.


Melisa Des Rosiers said...

Hang in there! I completely hear you on how slipping behind in posting and drawings daily can add up that guilt. But don't be too hard on yourself... and at the same time, try and stick with the updates.

I second the coffee in the morning... as I sip my own and read through blogs. ^_^

And requests for drawing... if you run into another paralyzing mindblock, sketch something involving the following elements:

tree, television, and desperation

See if that gets you anywhere. ^_^

Finn Clark said...

I like that sketch a lot. Great colour and lighting! Hope you get out of the 'artist slump' soon. When I'm not feeling particularly inspired, I just draw a few light squiggles on the page and try and make a landscape out of it. Its quite a liberal exercise, and I find it helps with ideas.

Mike Puncekar said...

Thanks for the kind words.

Melisa: sounds like a good combination to me!

Finn: I actually do the same thing only with faces.