Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mike Puncekar... Not so Live

Well, Ustream banned me for copyright infringement... of what?... I have no idea. So until I work this out with them I guess no live shows.

I think maybe they got me on the music I was streaming as I painted? But I've seen a heck of a lot of channels do that. So I'm at a loss as to why it was a problem now. And if it was because of the tiny bit of nudity I was painting at the time, why does it say I've infringed a copyright, hell if that isn't defamation. Need that off of there fast. Not exactly words I want attached to my illustrations. If it was Terms of Service thing I get that... but that is way different.

So Ustream... I take all the nice things I said about you back.

UPDATE: I worked it out with ustream, as in I am still banned and never allowed to stream again due to a boob violation. So, when I get the time I shall resume again on since I have a much better grasp on live streaming now. It's sort of irritating that they offer an education/drawing channel and don't allow the human form in it's entirety. If it was lewd, I may understand, but it's sort of a big part of drawing otherwise.


Dave Armstrong said...

When I saw the headline in my feed, I laughed really hard but now I'm sad.

I was really banking on stealing some of your secrets through those videos.

Mike Puncekar said...

I've appealed to them. It seems a lot of artists have been banned for drawing nude gestures and stuff.

So I got banned for nipples I'm pretty sure. Which is awkward because there is no 18+ option for the channel. Also awkward because they are nipples.

*insert Gob-like "C'MON"*

You should have been in the feed though, couldn't help but laugh, I had about 8 people in there watching and they all jumped on the forum I posted on and were all dying. I don't think I had been painting for more than 5 minutes. It was just so random. No warning or anything.

Unknown said...

well mr. m.puncekar...
there were a span of weeks where i was coming to check for an update because i absolutely adore ur art...always has and probably always will...and u seem to only update in the span of weeks whenever i don't come! and then whenever i do think about that there might be an off-chance that he has indeed updated...lo and behold! a slew of new postings with awesome art! oh well, i guess that is mr. m.puncekar for u! but, anyway, keep up the awesome work! and that sucks about the ban! i wouldv'e enjoyed watching u work as well!

Mike Puncekar said...

haha, yeah that's pretty par for the course anymore. Appreciate the words

Bernadette said...

you probably have a clone/are one, so just by existing you infringing all kinds of copyrights.